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Working at Inside Policy - A first-hand account

Our CareerTracker intern, Allirah Bell has just finished her summer internship with Inside Policy and has got up to some exciting things over her university break!

Allirah is a Wiradjuri woman and a Juris Doctor student at the University of Sydney. Allirah graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Indigenous and Socio-Legal Studies from the University of Sydney in 2021. She has interned and worked as a Research Assistant with Inside Policy since November 2022 and has worked on a range of projects.

Reflecting on her time as an intern, Allirah said:

“The opportunity to work on meaningful projects is the biggest highlight of being an intern with Inside Policy. Knowing that your contributions to projects, whether it be big or small, will make waves of positive impact on community is exciting.

Over the last year, I have had the privilege to work on projects that aims to improve the outcomes for vulnerable cohorts across a broad range of sectors including housing, disability, justice, youth, and health.

A standout experience was participating in data collection. I was given the opportunity to visit urban and remote communities in New South Wales, where I was able to talk with community members, key stakeholders, and organisations to hear their stories and experiences.

The team at Inside Policy have been so supportive with my career aspirations and goals throughout my internship. I have been fortunate to have a team that goes above and beyond to ensure I gain an enriching experience while building professional and interpersonal skills”.

Allirah will work as a part-time Research Assistant with Inside Policy while she continues her study.


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