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An Evaluation of the Young Carer Bursary Program

Department of Social Services

Project Director - Natalie Walker

On behalf of the Australian Government Department of Social Services, Inside Policy conducted a mixed-method evaluation into the Young Carer Bursary Program (YCBP). The YCBP was designed to assist young carers in continuing to study and relieve financial pressure. It does this by providing a specified number of financial bursaries to those young carers most in need.

The evaluation methods included many qualitative semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, staff and recipients involved in the bursary program. Quantitative data was also analysed by looking at mid and end of year surveys from YCBP applicants and conducting a financial analysis into the administration and bursary costs of the program.

The evaluation found that the YCBP is an important initiative giving money to those who need it to relieve financial pressure and improve their lives. To build on the success and increase the efficiency in the YCBP, Inside Policy suggested improving the program by broadening the scope and advertising of the YCBP to those in need and improving the timing of the payments.

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