Evaluation of the Indigenous Cadetship Support (ICS)

Updated: May 11, 2021

National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)

Project Director - Noel Niddrie

National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) engaged Inside Policy to evaluate the Indigenous Cadetship Support (ICS) and Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) Cadets Programs. These programs are designed to support Indigenous tertiary students to complete undergraduate degrees and continue to ongoing employment. This progression both contributes to Australia’s economy and wellbeing while closing the gap between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians.

The evaluation methodology was guided by an evaluation strategy, developed by NIAA and refined by Inside Policy. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide evidence-based advice on the effectiveness of the program in meeting its objectives and to highlight possible future program improvements. The research involved mixed-method data collection, including a literature review and over 70 stakeholder interviews. This produced high quality, reliable and useful findings. The final report details the experience of cadets, providers, universities and employers; and implications for future program design and implementation.


Indigenous Cadetship Support and Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Cadets Programs Evaluation

Read the final report here

National Indigenous Australians Agency

For further information contact us directly here.
